Multiple Teams and Locations
Split your inventory up however you want. Split your inventory up by team, location, company, whatever you want.

Inventory At A Glance
See your current stock, your stock on order, your stock in use, and your damaged stock all at a glance. Use our powerful search to find inventory items instantly.

Unique QR Code Per Item
Take your inventory management to the next level with a unique QR code per tag. This allows you to manage inventory using your phone. No app required!

Integrated Order Management
Add orders and have those orders automatically move inventory from "On Order" to in stock. Never miss a shipment with invoice ID. Set the price of the item from the order and it will update in your inventory.

Take Snapshots of Your Inventory Whenever You Want
Take snapshots of your inventory to log your daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly reconciles.

Divide and Conquer
Invite as many people as you need to help manage your inventory. Share the burdern of managing your inventory by inviting your coworkers.

Quick Edit
Quickly add or remove 1, 5, 10, 25, or 100 of any piece of inventory.

Track Price and Order More
See the value of your stock at a glance. Forcast upcoming expenses. Quick order link for ordering more supplies.